Air Resources Council Meetings

Providing a calendar, agendas and minutes for council meetings.

The Air Resources Council (ARC) typically meets monthly at the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, 29 Hazen Drive, Concord, New Hampshire, and includes a "Public Comment" session on its agenda. These meetings are open to the public and the ARC welcomes public participation. Agendas are posted on the meeting's event page found below and on this website's calendar page.

Winter weather notice: There will be no Council business held on days that the Concord School District closes schools due to the weather. This would include Council meetings, hearings and pre-hearing conferences. If the Concord School District has a delay, the Council will meet as scheduled. Check for closures on the school district website.

All meeting minutes are retained at NHDES offices. Once approved by the Council, meeting minutes are posted on the meeting's event page found on this website's calendar page. To request a copy or to review draft meeting minutes prior to posting, please contact the Air Resources Council administrator at

To find meeting minutes and agendas from past council meetings, go to the calendar page and find the date for the meeting you are looking for. Click on the meeting listed on that date to find a link to both the agenda and the minutes.

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